Localhost Port Number used¶

Here is the list of services and their port numbers…

Service Port Number Url
Spark UI 8080 http://localhost:8080
Spark Master 7077 spark://IMCHLT276:7077
Spark Thrift Server 10000 hive2://localhost:10000
Hive Thrift Server 10001 hive2://localhost:10001
HDFS UI 9870 http://localhost:9870
HDFS IPC 9000 http://localhost:9000
Yarn UI 8088 http://localhost:8088
PostgreSQL 5432 postgresql://localhost:5432
Flask-NER 5000 http://localhost:5000
Flask-Trending Hashtags 5001 http://localhost:5001
Flask-Tagger 8766 http://localhost:8766
Flask-AITweets DashBoard 8766 http://localhost:8766
Jupyter Lab 8888 http://localhost:8888/lab
Kubernetes: NER 30123
Kubernetes: TF Text Classifier 30125

All the services when running could load your machine to the fullest.

Minimum configuration would be 8+Cores and 16GB(32GB preffered), when all services are running :)